For historians, genealogists, students and other researchers, Ashlar Lodge No. 3 intends to gradually put the names of our Deceased Brethren on this page with links to information about them. This will take time and will be an ongoing project. Please keep checking this page for newly added names.
Here is a list of the Deceased Brethren of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 included so far:
- John ABERNATHY (died 28 December 1886) – Buried in Bowen Road Cemetery.
- James A. ABRAMS (born 1844) – Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1891
- William ADAM (1882-1958) Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge in 1914 and 1940. Buried in Bowen Road Cemetery.
- James ADDERLEY (born 11 July 1880 – death date not currently known)
- James Henry BAILEY
- Mark BATE (1857-1927) Mayor of Nanaimo
- William Herbert BATE (1893- ) Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1927
- Addison R. BECK Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1951
- George Lewis BEVILOCKWAY (died 1920) Nanaimo City Councillor. Buried in Bowen Road Cemetery.
- Reginald A. BOSANQUET (died 1950)
- Godfrey BROWN (died 1983, aged 84) son of James Miller BROWN. Buried in Cedar Memorial Gardens, Cedar, B.C.
- James Miller BROWN (1830-1926) Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge No.3 in 1874 and 1875
- Joseph Miller BROWN (1867-1942) Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge No.3 in 1895
- Victor BROWN – son of James Miller BROWN
- Samuel G. CARTER (1881-1940) Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1930
- Ray CASE (1897-1927) – Buried in Bowen Road Cemetery.
- Ross CASHMAN Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1948
- John W. COBURN (1850-1939) first Mayor of Ladysmith, B.C.
- Frederick L. COCK (died 1903, aged 32) Member of Hiram Lodge, No.14. Buried in Bowen Road Cemetery.
- Ralph Dixon CRAIG (1847-1893) Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge No. 3
- John Joseph DICKINSON (1880-1958) Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1930
- Andrew DOUMONT (1902-1957) & Edith DOUMONT (1904-1979) Order of the Eastern Star. Buried in Bowen Road Cemetery.
- Samuel DRAKE (1838-1912) Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1878. 1884 and 1888. Buried in Bowen Road Cemetery.
- Samuel DRAKE, Jr. (1889-1941) Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1924
- Alexander EASSON (1844-1902)
- Charles A. ELLIOTT –
- John FEE (born 1887) Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1953
- William FLACK, (1830-1901) Buried in Bowen Road Cemetery.
- Leonard FRANK (1870-1944) – renowned photographer.
- Joseph FOY, died 9 February 1915, aged 45, in South Wellington Mine flood. Buried in Bowen Road Cemetery.
- James FRAME (died 1937) Buried in Bowen Road Cemetery.
- John FRAME, died 1937. Buried in Bowen Road Cemetery.
- William Hales FRANKLYN (died 1874, aged 58) – Charter Member and first Worshipful Master of Nanaimo Lodge No. 1090. Buried in State House Cemetery, Seychelles
- John D. GALLOWAY (1882-1945) Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1922
- Alexander GIBBONS (1875-1941)
- John William GLAHOLM (1880-1943) also see Rawlinson-Glaholm Grocery
- John GOROSH Sr. (born 1886) Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1959
- Thomas J. GOULD (died 1950) Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1929
- Douglas J. GRAY Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1949
- Oscar A. HACKWOOD (born 1889) Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1955
- William HORNE (died 1888, aged 42). Died in explosion at Wellington No. 5 coal mine. Buried in Bowen Road Cemetery.
- Samuel HUDSON, died 3 May 1887 in Esplanade No. 1 mine explosion, aged 37, Buried in Bowen Road Cemetery.
- James G. JOHNSTONE (born 1896) Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1952
- Thomas W. JONES (1869-1950)
- John A. KING Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1947
- DavId Dobson KNOX (born 1885) Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1930
- Peter M. LAND (1860-1905)
- Andrew Elisha LEES (1855-1937)
- William K. LEIGHTON (1854-1906) Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1892
- Solomon David LEVI (Worshipful Master of Caledonia Lodge, No.478)
- William W. LEWIS (1864-1968) – Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge No. 3 in 1901
- Herbert LOMAS (born 1889) Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1937
- Francis Charles LOWE
- Allan James MacLEAN (1919-1995) – Buried in Bowen Road Cemetery
- William McGIRR
- Eric Barclay McKAY (1850-1922)
- Murdock McKENZIE –
- Malcolm McLEAN – Died 3 May 1887, aged 30, in the Esplanade No.1 mine explosion. Buried in Bowen Road Cemetery
- Archibald M. McLEOD (died 1945) Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1932
- Angus McRAE (1873-1920) Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1917
- Henry McRAE (1876-1955) Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1921
- Alexander E. MAINWARING
- Robert MALONE (Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1920 and 1941)
- Alexander W. MARSHALL (1817-1889) – Buried in Bowen Road Cemetery
- William MASON (born 1871)
- Archibald MUIR – died 3 May 1887, aged 53. Died in the Esplanade No.1 mine explosion.
- Joseph Edward Lewis MUIR (1875-1963), son of Archibald MUIR. Buried alongside his father in Bowen Road Cemetery
- John MURDOCH (born 1903) Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1936
- Robert PATTERSON (1867-1932) (Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No. 3 in 1916)
- Louis PERRY (1882-1960) – Buried in Bowen Road Cemetery
- Oliver T.H. RANDLE (1874-1928)
- Herbert RAYNOR (born 1881) Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1924
- Fearon ROBINSON (born 1889) (Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1942)
- Samuel ROBINSON (1856-1928) Buried in St. Mary’s Somenos Anglican cemetery, North Cowichan, B.C.
- Alexander ROSS (died 1888, aged 42). Died in explosion at Wellington No. 5 coal mine. Buried in Bowen Road Cemetery.
- John Cunningham ROSS (born 1886) Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1956
- Earl ROWAN (1933-2008). Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 2000. Buried in Bowen Road Cemetery.
- John ROWAN (died 1939)
- Francis ROWBOTTOM – (1875-1965) – Buried in Bowen Road Cemetery
- Francis H. ROWBOTTOM – (1905-1979) Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1954. Buried in Bowen Road Cemetery
- John Leslie “Jack” RUCKLEDGE (1932-2020)
- William Edward RUMMING – (died 1957, aged 87)
- Thomas RUSSELL – Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1943
- John SABISTON (1834-1902) member of Nanaimo Lodge No. 1090 and Ashlar No. 3.
- Austin W. SCOTT – (1923-2000) Buried in Bowen Road Cemetery.
- Jeremiah Chivers SHAW –
- John SHAW (1864-1937) Past Grand Master (1918), Mayor of Nanaimo (1913)
- David STEPHENSON – (1859-1937) Stephenson Point is named for him.
- John H. STEVENS (born 1892) Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1938
- Glennie STEVENSON – affiliated in 1926. Previously a member of Prince of Wales Lodge No. 100 in Vancouver.
- William STEWART (1834-1904) – Charter Member of Caledonia Lodge No. 478, St. John’s Lodge No. 21; Buried in Bowen Road Cemetery
- Robert James Millar STEWART (1893-1961) Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1926. Buried in Bowen Road Cemetery
- George THOMSON (1855-1920)
- Walter E. THOMSON (1880-1938)
- Andrew J. THURSTON (1864-1908) Buried in Chemainus Cemetery, Chemainus, B.C.
- John L. WARD (Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No. 3 in 1918)
- Alex WARWICK (born 1866)
- Adam G. WATSON (1867-1940). Buried in Bowen Road Cemetery
- Carol Novello WESTWOOD (born 1854 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Death date currently not known)
- Parker WILLIAMS (born 1902)
- Alfred Charles Tippett WILSON – (born 1895)
- Harry WILSON Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1945
- William WILSON (1899- death date not known)
- Marcus WOLFE – (1850-1896) Past Grand Master. Buried in Victoria Jewish Cemetery, Victoria, B.C. but grave unmarked and location not known at this time.
- Samuel Conrad WOODCOCK – (Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1933 and 1944)
- Christopher N. WRIGHT – (birth & death dates currently not known) Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1928
- Nicholas WRIGHT (1891-1955) Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1923
- Albert Francis YATES (1851-1930) – member of Doric Lodge No. 18
- Arthur YATES (1883-1984) – member of Doric Lodge No. 18
- Frederick McBain YOUNG – (1863-1937) – Past Grand Master; Member of Ashlar Lodge No. 3 and a Charter member of Doric Lodge No. 18
- William Hetherington YOUNG – (born 3 October 1892- death date currently not known)
Please note that we will be adding many more names to this list as time goes on.

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