Eric Barclay McKay (1850-26 February 1922) was Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1880 and 1881.
Here is some basic information about him from Ashlar Lodge, No.3 records:
- Born 1850
- Initiated 21 October 1876 in Ashlar Lodge, No.3
- Passed 3 November 1876 in Ashlar Lodge, No.3
- Raised 9 December 1876 in Ashlar Lodge, No.3
- Occupation: Engineer
- Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 in 1880 and 1881
- Demitted 3 February 1909
- Died 26 February 1922

We also know that W.B. McKay was an accomplished draftsman and artist. In April 1916, he presented Temple Lodge, No.33 in Duncan with a hand drawn Roll of Honour commemorating the members of Temple Lodge, No.33 who had served in Canada’s military to that point in World War 1 (194-1918). Temple Lodge, No.33 still has the original of this Roll of Honour and has incorporated a digital copy of it into a commemorative plaque placed at the Duncan Masonic Temple entrance in 11 November 2014 to honour the Brethren of Temple Lodge, No.33 who served in Canada’s military forces during World War One.

We will add more information about W.B. Eric Barclay McKay as we do additional research.
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