August 2019


December 2019

Brotherly love, relief and truth, three great tenets that are taken seriously by the members of Ashlar Lodge No.3.

Our aim at Ashlar is to provide a meaningful fraternal experience to those who wish to join us, as well as the Masonic community at large. The growing ranks of younger Masonic applicants has created a more vibrant and exciting trend in Freemasonry here on Vancouver Island.

I feel that this trend is for a number of reasons:

  • -curious minds seeking out what the secrets of Freemasonry holds for them;
  • a general passion to find fraternal friendships;
  • -the desire to belong to a time honoured order which makes good men better;

From the early days of coal miners and settlers that founded Ashlar Lodge (1873) and its predecessors (1867), to the modern day Freemasons which arrange under our banner today, Ashlar Lodge has stuck tightly to our old traditions. From our Scottish ritual and unique regalia to the heritage building in downtown Nanaimo which we call home. This pride and respect that we hold for Ashlar is meant to translate to the respect that we hold for all Freemasons far and wide.

If you are a Freemason, please come visit us. If you are curious about belonging to our ancient order there is a tab on our homepage that will direct you to make your inquiry.

Thank you for taking the time to review our website.

Come see us in 2020!

WB Tim Mitton
Worshipful Master, Ashlar Lodge No.3 – 2020

January 2019

Here is a new message from the Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge No. 3, W.B. Brent Cormack:

Hello and welcome to Ashlar Lodge #3’s website,

Ashlar Lodge is not only Nanaimo’s oldest lodge (152 years) but is also what we like to think of as its most unique and traditional lodge. Unique in that it is a “pattern” lodge in BC and because it retains its original Scottish regalia. Traditional in two respects:

1. Content – the work practiced is “Ancient” and we strive to maintain and uphold its content in its original form. There has never been any countenance for either changes or innovations.

2. Quality – Ashlar is proud of its adherence to a standard of excellence in delivery, in both ritual and protocols. We don’t pretend for a minute that this standard is accomplished through any other means than by hard work, in other words, through copious practice. In terms of our objectives, the words “good enough” don’t often find their way into everyday use at Ashlar.

Why do we do it? In a word – respect.

Respect for our members and visitors, whom we believe don’t make the effort to attend at Ashlar, just to endure mediocre work. Self-respect of our officers who understand that the only reward for their hard work and efforts comes from achievement of our high standards.

Ashlar is in the midst of a surge in membership growth which began last year when we initiated 9 new Masons, and this growth is continuing into this year. Beyond the high volume the most significant and interesting factor in this growth is the age profile of the new initiates – averaging in the early 30s. It’s really beginning to put a younger face on an institution that in the past has had a reputation of only appealing to older men. This is both a welcome and exciting change, one which we embrace whole-heartedly.

Our promise to you – come and visit us at Ashlar Lodge; we’ll do our very best to show you what we believe is the best that traditional BC Freemasonry has to offer.

RR Brent Cormack, Worshipful Master, Ashlar Lodge #3, B.C. & Yukon Register

December 2016

The Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge No. 3 for 2017 is W.B. Tim Findlay.

Ashlar Lodge No.3 is moving in to a new future, after serving the Nanaimo community for over 150 years. We have numerous plans for celebrating our sesqui-centennial, including open houses at the Ashlar Masonic Temple, black and white banquet, re-dedication of the Ashlar Masonic Temple building and more.  Ashlar will be celebrating this year along with our daughter lodge, Doric Lodge No. 18 which will be celebrating 125 years of service to the community of Nanaimo. Ashlar Lodge No.3 and Doric Lodge No. 18 will be working together on degrees, dinners, and other social events through the course of 2017, so stay tuned and join us.

Ashlar Lodge No.3 will be celebrating its 150th Installation of officers on 17 December 2016 at 1:00 pm at the Ashlar Masonic Temple and all Brethren are cordially invited to join us, in ringing in the new officers and new year.

Worshipful Master-elect

W.B. Tim Findlay

22 December 2016

A quick note of “Merry Christmas to all Brethren and a Joyous New Year.“

2017 is certainly a big and memorial year for us, and we are planning many events to rally and promote the Craft.

Please support and enjoy our various upcoming events.

I will be doing a lot of visiting this year as the Ambassador of Ashlar and will encourage all the brethren to join me.

January 4th will see our first regular meeting, followed immediately by the Official Visit of M.W. Brother J. Bowman to District #5 and Nanaimo Lodge #110.

Please join us Monday January 9th at the Banquet to be held at St. Paul’s new Banquet hall, and Nan #110 “Meet the Grand Master” meeting.

Tickets to the banquet, including a ladies program, are available through DDGM Neil Westmacott, and hopefully some tickets should still be available at our regular.

January 24th is the official visit of DDGM Neil Westmacott to Doric Lodge #18, our daughter lodge.

February 1st is DDGM Neil Westmacott official visit to our lodge.

Best of the Season!

WB Tim Findlay

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