Freemasons in good standing are always welcome as visitors to Ashlar Lodge, No.3.
Ashlar Lodge, No. 3 considers welcoming visiting Brethren to our Lodge and visits by our members to other Lodges to be fundamental in promoting Masonic fraternal fellowship and brotherhood.
Regular Meetings of Ashlar Lodge, No.3 are at 7:30 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month (except July and August) unless otherwise noted on our News & Events page. If you would like to Contact Us before your planned visit, you can reach the Lodge Secretary at
For Visiting Brethren who are not known by members of Ashlar Lodge, please arrive at least 30 minutes before the meeting so that the necessary introductions and formalities may be completed.

It would be much appreciated if first time visitors who are not known to Ashlar Lodge, No. 3 members could arrive at least half an hour before the start of our meeting in order for the proper introductions and formalities to be completed.
For first time visitors, advance notice of your intended visit is appreciated but is not mandatory. First time visitors who are not known by Ashlar Lodge, No. 3 members will be asked to present a current dues card from their own Lodge as proof of their current membership in good standing.
Demitted Brethren are welcome as Visitors to Ashlar Lodge, No.3 but we will ask to see a valid Demit Certificate.
For Brethren visiting from outside the Nanaimo area, we are working on a separate page with recommendations for recreation, accommodation, restaurants, shopping, tours (both walking and driving) and other businesses and services you may find useful or necessary during your stay. In the meantime, these pages may be of assistance to you: Tourism Nanaimo – Visitors Guide, Tourism Nanaimo – Location, Things To Do, Tourism Nanaimo – Accommodations.
Brethren who have recently moved, or are planning to move, to the Nanaimo area are very welcome to visit Ashlar Lodge, No. 3. If you decide you would like to affiliate with Ashlar Lodge, No. 3, we will be happy to give you a Petition For Affiliation.
We look forward to seeing you.
Please feel free to Contact Us or email the Lodge Secretary directly at
Here is a map showing how to reach the Ashlar Masonic Temple, 101 Commercial Street, Nanaimo, B.C.
A Brazilian visitor to Ashlar Lodge No. 3 in March 2017 sent us a photo of his lodge and his lodge Brethren.

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